Parallax Detailed Rooms | One Click Interiors | Kpack
Entire room in one polygon!
Furnish your 3D building interiors instantly and effortlessly with realistic drag-and-drop textures.
What is included :
- 5 unique designs, both day and night maps, together 10 maps
- 1K and 3K EXR files
- KPACKs for Kit ops - Kit Ops 2 Free Kitbashing Addon For Blender & Kit Ops 2 Pro: Asset / Kitbashing Addon
- Blend file (compatible with Blender 3+ Asset browser)
Rooms catalog (library) -
It works perfect with Kit Ops (FREE or PRO) in Blender. You can easily add many virtual 3D interiors to your Archviz 3D exterior scenes in Blender. It works both in EEVEE and Cycles and is also customizable as well. You can duplicate, scale and place these single plane optical illusions directly on your buildings to create the effect of adding interior rooms to your scene.
10 parallax rooms - 40 vertices, 10 polygons
Check video of the one and only Chipp Walters speaking about Parallax in Blender
You can download KIT OPS FREE atBlender Market: Kit Ops 2 Free Kitbashing Addon For Blender
And you can purchase KIT OPS PRO at:
Blender Market: Kit Ops 2 Pro: Asset / Kitbashing Addon
Made with thoughtfulness by Brunya